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It was in the year of our Lord, 1982, when God directed Pastor, Elder Johnny Jasper Young, at age 31, to begin pastoral ministry in Carson, California at 1129 Dominguez Street, Suite J.


September 5, 1982 was the grand opening! On October 17, 1982, Bishop Willie K. Mallard gave the Dedicatory Service Message. This church was the fifth sister church in California of the ecclesiastical body of The Church of God Pentecostal, Incorporated; headquarters in Mobile, Alabama where the late Bishop E.D. Davis was the Founder and first Chief Apostle.


First lady Brenda, sons, Jarvis and Jonathan comprised the First Family. The late Overseer A.M. Turner, who pioneered the first Church of God Pentecostal in California became a member of this church in Carson in 1982. He, along with Mother Louise Turner-Brown, were some of the charter members. The late Missionary Jessie Moore, who brought the first message in the first established Church of God Pentecostal in California, became one of the charter members along with her husband the late Deacon Thelman Moore. In January 1983, Overseer A.M. Turner went home to be with the Lord.


As we continued to grow the following ministries were added to the church: Brother Horace McGregory Young, 1st Custodian; Minister Sylvester Moore, 1st Assistant Pastor; Sister Rosie Young, 1st Secretary; Deacon Thelman Moore, 1st Deacon Chairman; Deacon Lewis Bailey, 1st Treasurer; Missionary Jessie Moore, 1st Women’s Supervisor; Mother Louise Turner-Brown, 1st Mother’s Board President; Sister Mary Bailey, 1st Youth President; Sister Frances Anthony, 1st Choir President; Sister Geraldine Young, 1st Usher Board President; Sister Diane Ramsey, 1st Church Announcer; Elder Anthony Baker, 1st Church Organist; Sister Claudette Burpo-Baker, 1st Choir Directress; Sister Ruby Brown, 1st Pastor’s Aide Committee President; Mother Dorothy Jones, 1st Adult Sunday School Teacher; Brother Charles Jones, 1st Church Drummer.


On February 18, 1984, Minister Sylvester Moore, our Assistant Pastor, went home to be with the Lord. One month later, March 1984, Missionary Mattie Young-Conerly came over to encourage our church family. It was at that time she prophesied that God would move us to a larger church facility within six months. April of 1984, Mrs. Susan Vlach, the wife of Pastor Young’s longtime friend and colleague, Mr. Lance Vlach, came across a church sale listing at the local library. The listing was that of our present location, 733 South Grevillea Avenue, Inglewood, California. Mrs. Vlach had heard about our search and made contact with Pastor Young. During this time Mrs. Vlach was teaching her first year of Kindergarten and one of her students was Jarvis Young. She later taught Jonathan Young in pre-school and Kindergarten. She is presently the Principal at the same school, South Bay Junior Academy in Torrance, California.


On August 5, 1984 (5 months later), our church moved to 733 South Grevillea Avenue in Inglewood, California (corner of Grevillea and Buckthorn). A motorcade from Carson to Inglewood was held. With less than twenty members, we raised over $70,000.00 within six months for part of the down payment on the new church property. Deacon and Missionary Thelman Moore were inspired by God to loan the church the remaining $75,000.00 for our down payment. It was indeed a “Miracle in the house”!


In late August of 1984, our dear Mother Corine Holmes departed this life to be with the Lord. Shortly after that time in October of 1985, one of Mother Holmes’ daughters, Sister Edna Bishop, initiated our first Radio Broadcast on KTYM 1460 of Inglewood. The Lord was continuing to bless, as more ministries were added: Sister Eula Cotton, 1st Missionary Department President; Sister Edna Bishop, 1st Young Women’s Christian Council President; Sister Gwendolyn McNeal, 1st Trustee Board President; Elder Eligah Davis, 1st Director of Youth Ministries; Elder Frederick Walker, 1st Director of Christian Education.


It was on November 23, 1985 when the first Appreciation was given for the Pastor and Wife. April 13, 1986 the Memorial Library was dedicated in memory of our late Assistant Pastor, Minister Sylvester Moore. Also in 1986, the third week of May was declared Annual Founders Appreciation. On November 29, 1986 the Installation Dinner for our full-time Pastor, Elder Johnny J. Young, was held at the Pacifica Hotel in Culver City, California. Sister Cynthia Moore-Oliver served as chairperson of this elegant affair. The late (“Pastor” at that time) Bishop John Vincent, Jr. of Tulsa, Oklahoma (who was our pioneer Revivalist for the first several years of ministry), was the keynote speaker. On December 19, 1986, Pastor Young, by faith, left his career as Administrator from Inglewood Unified School District, to become full-time Pastor.


In 1986, our 5:00 a.m. early Morning Prayer ministry began. One year later, January 1987, the church sent the Pastor and family to Honolulu, Hawaii for vacation, spearheaded by the Installation Committee. During that same month, January 1987, our church hired its first full-time Administrative Secretary and part-time Facility Manager. Later that year, November 8, 1987, we celebrated “The Year of Victory” in paying off our second trust deed, where a Mortgage Burning Ceremony was held on this date.


In October of 1988, another one of our dear charter mothers, Mother Willie Mae Guest, went home to be with the Lord.


In September of 1989, we began our Inland Empire Bible Study (Moreno Valley and Riverside). One year later, September 1990, a Head Start Pre-School program was instituted here at the Church of God Pentecostal. In March of 1991, Ministerial Training Institute (MTI) classes began. The first graduating class of MTI was recognized in June of 1992. A few years later, February 1995, MTI received seven years of accreditation from the Accrediting Commission International (ACI).


As we continued to move toward higher heights, in 1996, we began having two-morning worship services (7:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.). We also housed the first University of California at Los Angeles after-school tutorial program, spearheaded by the late Mr. Edmond Harris, which aimed to assist high school minorities and help them prepare for the UC system after graduating from high school.


In 1997 our COGP-Community Development Services Corporation was formed. The first major project was the construction of the Charles E. Campbell Senior Villas located at 612 South Walnut Avenue in Inglewood, California. Named after the father of former Los Angeles Lakers player, Elden Campbell. We later acquired the property across the street from the church facility located at 100 West Buckthorn Street. This property is currently used for temporary shelter for low-income families.


On August 14, 1998, our Senior Pastor, was consecrated as the 12th Bishop in the history of The Church of God Pentecostal, Incorporated.


As we entered into the 21st century our church continued to expand in the community and Kingdom of God by adding more ministries to the church: Silent Praise Dancers, Positive Singles Adult Living Ministry (PSALM), Media Relations / Technology, Prayer Phone-Line ministry, Teen Challengers and Young Adult L.I.F.E Group.


On August 19, 2006, our Senior Pastor, Bishop Johnny J. Young, was unanimously appointed by the Chief Apostle – Bishop E.D. Davis and the entire National Council to become the 2nd Senior Presiding Bishop (in 78 years of existence) of The Church of God Pentecostal, Incorporated. On August 11, 2007, during our 55th International Holy Convocation, an official Inaugural Investiture Banquet was held at the Mobile Convention Center (Mobile, Alabama) in public celebration for the installation of Senior Bishop Johnny J. Young.


On August 2, 2019, our Executive Pastor, Jonathan J. Young, was consecrated as the 40th Bishop in the history of The Church of God Pentecostal, Incorporated.


At the end of 2019, 2020, and 2021 we experienced a life-altering pandemic. Our church will never be the same after many losses, but we still trust God for everything!


From 1982 until now various activities have taken place, and many souls have been saved, healed, delivered, and set free! Signs, wonders, and miracles have occurred. Our goal is to increase our membership to over 1,500 souls by the end of this year! The Bible lets us know that one person has influence over 1,000 people and two people can influence over 10,000 souls! We can start by everyone winning one!

733 S. Grevillea Avenue, Inglewood, CA 90301     |     310.419.7335 or 310.672.2338     |

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